Dealing With Seasonal Changes: Keep Yourself Happy And Healthy This Fall
It happens every year.
Fall arrives and it’s nice – at first.
You get a break from the hot weather, fall comfort foods are in abundance and you get cozy with comfy fall clothes.
But the days get shorter and shorter. The cold sets in, and you just want to crawl into your bed and stay there…for the whole winter.
As the months go on you might feel a sadness come over you. And you have no energy.
When you do have energy, you crave those foods that’ll give you a quick pick-me-up: donuts, popcorn, and candy.
You’re not alone. Many people experience seasonal mood changes and in the fall it often comes in the form of sadness and low energy.
You might be wondering why this is. Today this blog is going to cover seasonal mood changes, including why these mood changes happen and what you can do to help maintain wellness in the fall and winter months.
What Are Seasonal Mood Changes?
Since the 1980s Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been recognized as a medical diagnosis – a type of depression with a unique seasonal pattern that requires a specialized treatment plan.1 But many people experience seasonal mood changes and not everybody has Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s important to know about SAD and seek treatment if you think you need help. Seasonal mood changes can happen to you without it being a medical diagnosis. In fact, over 10 million Americans report seasonal mood changes.2
So what do you do when everyone around you is getting into fall festivities and winter holiday spirit and you’re just not feeling it? Let’s talk about the science behind why your mood changes during these months and what you can do to help get through the darker days of the year. Remember, if you think your situation requires further treatment, seek help from a healthcare provider.
Why Does My Mood Change With The Season?
There are a couple of reasons why your mood changes with the season and it’s all based on science.
Less Daylight
The first reason that your mood changes with the fall season is that daylight is decreasing which can cause a drop in serotonin levels for some people. Serotonin is a chemical in your brain that helps regulate mood.1 With less daylight, this feel-good chemical decreases, causing feelings of sadness for those affected.
Interruption In Sleep-Wake Cycles
You might have heard about your circadian rhythms or your body’s internal biological clock that helps you go to sleep and wake up. Your circadian rhythm, (or sleep-wake cycle) is actually disrupted during this time of year.
This disruption starts with the hormone, melatonin. Melatonin helps us feel tired and get ready for sleep and is produced during the night (or when it gets dark). So when it gets darker earlier, your melatonin production can start earlier, making you feel tired.
Sunlight stops the production of melatonin so when we experience longer hours of darkness, including in the early morning hours, it’s much harder to wake up!2,3So you can see why so many people feel sleepy and sluggish during the winter. With more melatonin in our bodies, it’s only natural to slow down in the winter.
So now you know why your body changes in the fall and winter. Here are some signs your body is experiencing seasonal changes.
Signs You Might Be Experiencing Seasonal Changes
Chances are, seasonal mood and body changes are easy for you to recognize. Many people go from feeling cheerful and lighthearted to sleepy, sluggish, and a little sad. For some people, these changes can be subtle.
Here are some signs you might be experiencing seasonal mood or body changes:
- Feeling tired and having low energy levels
- Losing interest in things you once enjoyed
- Difficulty sleeping
- Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning
- Eating patterns change
- Don’t feel as social
If you’re feeling this way, you’re definitely not alone. Millions of people around the world feel the same way.
Let’s talk about some ways you can help manage the changing season. The fall doesn’t have to be something you dread. It can symbolize a fresh start and new beginnings. Here are some ways you can make the most of the fall and winter months.
Lifestyle Changes To Help Improve Your Wellness This Fall
Improve your sleep hygiene
Sleep hygiene may sound a little funny but it’s extremely important in maintaining healthy sleep patterns and overall wellness. Sleep hygiene is when you have an established sleep routine and an environment that promotes relaxation and healthy sleep. Good sleep hygiene is important for both adults and kids.
Good sleep hygiene can help:4
- Form healthy sleep habits
- Improve your quality of sleep
- Improve mental and physical health
The best way to improve your sleep hygiene is to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This is hard for many people – and hard to do in the winter when it’s still dark out! If you live in an area where it gets cold all you want to do is stay in bed longer. Having a set schedule for sleeping and waking up is even more important in the winter because the sunlight isn’t shining to help stop our melatonin production.
Another important part of improving your sleep hygiene is to stop using screens 1-2 hours before bed. The blue light from computer screens and cell phones actually mimics daylight so it can stop melatonin production and make you feel more awake, interrupting your sleep.
Make healthy food choices
During the winter months, it’s easy to use refined sugars and simple carbohydrates for that pick-me-up when you’re feeling sluggish. Of course, you can’t always say no to those great comfort foods that warm you up. Striking a balance between these foods and whole foods that will nourish you and give you energy is really important.
Foods that give you energy include:
- Lean meats and proteins
- Vegetables
- Complex carbohydrates like fresh fruits, brown rice, quinoa, and oats
- Whole wheat
Replacing processed sugar with fruits can go a long way in giving you energy. Our bodies process complex carbs (like fruits) more easily and we get important nutrients like vitamins and fiber which help boost our energy.
If you have any health concerns or chronic conditions you should always talk to your healthcare provider before you make any changes to your diet.
Neurofeedback is a tool that can help you make healthy lifestyle choices overall. If you’re unfamiliar with neurofeedback, it’s a brain training system that optimizes your brain and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Non-linear neurofeedback like NeurOptimal® is a safe, effective way to train your brain – it’s natural and non-invasive. You can even do this type of neurofeedback at home.
Neurofeedback gives your brain information about itself so that it can self-correct or self-regulate. Neurofeedback teaches your brain self-control by giving your brain a signal when it shifts in an unpleasant way. Over time, your brain shifts in a way that’s more efficient for you.
NeurOptimal® has been designated as a general wellness product by the FDA to help:
- Promote healthy sleep habits
- You wake up feeling refreshed
- Improve mental acuity
- Manage stress
- Increase emotional resilience
- You become more flexible and resilience (which makes whatever you’re coping with easier)
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback can help you look at your seasonal mood changes from another perspective.
Try NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback This Fall
If you’re having difficulty with the changes of the season, NeurOptimal® neurofeedback can help promote a healthy lifestyle and help you cope with what you’re dealing with. If you’re interested in brain optimization, this is the best at home neurofeedback device on the market.
It’s extremely easy to use and working with Whole Family Neurofeedback is a great way to get started.
When you work with us, you get
- Comprehensive support from people who use and understand this system
- Dedicated customer support, seven days a week
- Different package options (including unlimited sessions)
Seasonal mood changes don’t have to interfere with your life anymore. If you’re ready to get started with NeurOptimal® or have additional questions, fill out our contact form today and we’ll get back to you soon.
- Seasonal Affective Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Mayo Clinic. 2021
- Melatonin and Seasonal Rhythms
- Mastering Sleep Hygiene: Your Path To Quality Sleep. Sleep Foundation
Disclaimer: This site contains information on general health and wellness topics. Please note that Neuroptimal® has been designated a general wellness product by the FDA. The information on this site or in any linked materials should not be construed as medical advice. The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations by your physician.
The post Seasonal Mood Changes: How To Keep Yourself Happy And Healthy This Fall appeared first on Whole Family Neurofeedback.